Dreamcatcher Previews End-Of-Year Music And Plans With Holiday Cheer

Dreamcatcher dove into the pre-release holiday music spirit with fun promotional pictures and activities for fans.

Three of Dreamcatcher's members (JiU/SuA/Siyeon) in holiday sweaters against a white background smiling for the camera.
Dreamcatcher JiU, SuA, and Siyeon show off holiday wear and happy expressions for My Christmas Sweet Love teasers. Source: hf_dreamcatcher (X/Twitter)
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Though the holidays can be stressful and a bit difficult for people, I think it's important to find some moments of cheer and happiness amongst the hustle and bustle. Like many forms of entertainment, K-Pop is positioned well for this, with end-of-year activities and sometimes special stages or music to look forward to.

After years without these plans for Dreamcatcher, fans (and JiU, who's wanted this since January) are getting a chance to look forward to holiday-themed events and, most excitedly, new tunes to add to the group's already-vast discography. Much of last week was spent on teasing out what's to come, much to everyone's delight, so let's take a look!

The official YouTube channel continues to follow along behind the group's current plans with a behind-the-scenes look at their past ones, with a double helping of Dreamcatcher's Notes for the US tour. Fans have seen plenty of these tour Notes by now, but one of the notable things that I'm seeing that's a throwback to their earlier content is more casual, out of the office (so to speak) footage. JiU, Siyeon, and Handong's mini road trip to a National Park, a quick jaunt out to a grocery store, Yoohyeon mentioning that she got to visit NASA in Houston, SuA taking in the Seattle sights - all of these were fun to watch or hear about, so if you've not had a chance to take a look, I'd do so.

Long tours often have sightseeing opportunities but the grind of cities can leave little time to get out and about to see things. That the group has had more of a chance to do so this tour through the US is nice, especially as some of the cities (like Seattle and Houston) hosted a solo Dreamcatcher concert for the first time. I'll be looking forward to what will likely be the last episode of their recent US activities.

As for more current activities in December, fans got told that Dreamcatcher is appearing on Nopo Live, a sort of unplugged acoustic casual show that highlights K-Pop group's vocals in a smaller setting like a restaurant for a limited number of fans. I've linked fellow girl group Kiss of Life's recent appearance just to give you an idea of how it might go, but it'll be really nice to see not only another opportunity for Dreamcatcher to flex their concert-focused vocals but also possibly hear a song or two in a lighter tone. The pre-recording is set for December 16th, with what will likely be a delayed release of the video two to four weeks later, if the official social media account is any indication.

All that said, the bulk of Dreamcatcher and Dreamcatcher Company's focus this past week has been on the impending My Christmas Sweet Love Special Digital Single release on the 20th as well as the accompanying concert series on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The theme of all these little promotional teasers seems to be fun and internet-aware, as the official Dreamcatcher X/Twitter account put out a flurry of fun media, starting with a "how will you spend your day" clock drawing that fans were encouraged to fill in with the chance of winning prizes. I'm obviously a bit better at the written word than I am drawing anything, so it's been fun to see some fans get creative about their holiday plans, many of which, not surprisingly, involve Dreamcatcher in some way.

For Dreamcatcher's part, we got some nice holiday-themed individual teaser pictures, which seemed to point towards the tone and concept of the upcoming single. It looks and feels like it's going to be a cozy tune, featuring, as described/translated on ktown4u's page for the album, jingle bells and electric piano in a carol style.

Speaking of cozy and comfortable, the clearest indication that this was not your standard pre-release promotions came in the form of the other teasers, which took the form of funny memes and pictures. Cribbing from the Reaction Guys and Distracted Boyfriend memes, both classics, as well as dropping in some fun holiday-themed pics entertained me and many other fans, while also getting people excited for the release.

We see lots of creative fan memes all the time in the Dreamcatcher fandom, and while that's not exclusive to Dreamcatcher themselves, I feel it's rarer for an official account to get into the mix with them. It just goes to show that this is not only not your standard promotion but that it has a little bit more latitude and laid-back vibes, something we could all no doubt use during the holiday season. We're probably going see a little bit more teased for us ahead of this week's "My Christmas Sweet Love" release, and as always I'll be here to report and review their latest holiday-themed music - for all that and more, I'll see you here next Sunday!

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