Well-Rested Dreamcatcher Checks In With Fans As Busy March Approaches

Dreamcatcher's R&R is nearing its end, and checking in with their batteries recharged excites fans ahead of their March tour.

Dreamcatcher dressed in black tour s-shirts and casual wear smiling and showing victory signs at the camera.
Dreamcatcher snaps a group picture in Taipei last March. Source: Dream Catcher Company (Naver)
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Dreamcatcher has always been one of the most prolific content creators of their K-Pop generation, staying consistently busy over the past eight years with lots for fans to consume. But even the best groups in the industry need a break sometimes, and that's exactly what Dreamcatcher has been doing for the first part of the year, minus the usual regular behind-the-scenes day-to-day work expected of an act in K-Pop.

For fans, this means a little less official content for a while, but with a few dates in March with more travel to wrap up their Luck Inside 7 Doors World Tour, most appreciate the fact that the group can have some much-needed R&R - and that didn't stop them from checking in with everyone, either. Let's see what updates we got as the group's trip through Southeast Asia and Oceania approaches!

Siyeon making gictory signs and Yoohyeon making a funny face as they take a picture.
Siyeon and Yoohyeon have fun with the camera in Hong Kong. Source: Dream Catcher Company (Naver)
Dreamcatcher, with a fan cutout to substitute for a recuperating Dami, takes a picture in Brazil. Source: Dream Catcher Company (Naver)

The official Naver Post account put up more older photos this past week, including pictures from both Latin America and the group's trips through Southeast Asia. The photos for the latter were a reminder that they'll be heading back through there next month, especially through Taipei, which has been a reliable and seemingly sellout crowd this past year. As always, I look forward to these pictures as they show off some high-quality shots that don't immediately make the group's official social media.

SuA wearing black posing for the camera with a red Honda motorcycle.
SuA shares a photo from the 3rd generation fankit photoshoot. Source: sualelbora (Instagram)

Speaking of social media, Dreamcatcher members have used it over the past week and more to drop in some media updates for fans as well as show off what they did on vacation. SuA, who's been delighting fans lately with a ton of vacation pictures, took a break from the casual photos to show off some of the pics she had taken for Dreamcatcher's 3rd generation fankit. The motorcycle biker-themed photoshoot seems to be a hit with fans, who began receiving them this past week, and SuA's are just one of many awesome shots.

Handong in a black blouse and tan fur-lined coat posing for the camera.
Handong, dressed in style, poses for the camera. Source: 0.0_handong (Instagram)

Handong's been posting a few photos to Instagram, Weibo, and Xiaohangshu lately, and the trend continued this past week with a few recent photos that showed off not only Handong returning back to a raven-black hairstyle but also just dressed fashionably on a day out. Of the Dreamcatcher members, fans have always been able to count on Handong being stylish even on a casual day, and she didn't disappoint here.

Siyeon's been playing around with Instagram live lately, and she put up a couple of brief broadcasts for fans to check out. With the quirkiness that has endeared her to many, Siyeon was also playing around with filters at the same time, which resulted in one particular broadcast that made her look just a bit different than normal. With Weverse and YouTube around, Instagram isn't usually a platform that Dreamcatcher typically uses, so to see some of this experimentation is fun in and of itself.

Lastly, it seems that Gahyun, who recently put up a fun vacation video of her own from her time away, will be helping cap off February with a late birthday livestream on YouTube. Dreamcatcher's official fancafe had a post gathering questions to ask Dreamcatcher's maknae, which tells me that this might be a fun advice-giving livestream as well as having the usual casual chatter. The livestream kicks off on February 25th at 19:00 KST.

Dreamcatcher talks to fans while sitting in front of the camera.
Dreamcatcher sends a message to their fans in Australia ahead of their March concerts. Source: boxliveau (Instagram)

Dreamcatcher reminded us that they'll be heading to Australia and a couple other places next month, and I'll be here as usual to report on some of the best of that when it happens, so for all that and more, I'll see you here next Sunday!

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