Hungary Welcomes K-Pop, Korean Culture, and Dreamcatcher, As October Travel Concludes

Dreamcatcher kicked off the week in Hungary for yet another great live performance, along with a fansign appearance and more.

Hungary Welcomes K-Pop, Korean Culture, and Dreamcatcher, As October Travel Concludes
Dreamcatcher throws up the rock-style horns at Mokkoji Korea in Budapest, Hungary. Source: hf_dreamcatcher (X/Twitter)
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One of the best parts of being a fan of Dreamcatcher is that the group has had the opportunity to travel to many different places throughout their seven-plus-year career. By my count, they've participated in 109 events or concerts outside of South Korea, spanning almost every major region of the globe. One of the most visited regions, Europe (35 events/concerts), is a place that Dreamcatcher has been performing in since a year after their debut, making it a reliable favorite destination of theirs.

Yet even now, there have been places in the region Dreamcatcher hasn't been. Thankfully, Dreamcatcher got to cross one of those off the list with their performance for Mokkoji Korea 2024, this time taking place in Budapest, Hungary. It was yet another great Dreamcatcher live performance, but not the only thing going on with the group this week. Let's take a look!

Dreamcatcher's public schedule lightened up a bit this week post-travel, but there was still a long-awaited fansign on the schedule - one run by vendor Soundwave for the Fallen Angels photobook, announced in August and just released recently. Whoever brought the appropriate light and dark angel wing props made sure that they got a lot of fun photo time moments with the group wearing them as an obviously appropriate cosplay for the event. Additionally, the presence of some new hair colors (Gahyun with a magenta/purple, Siyeon with a blue/grey, and Dami back to blonde) seemed to show they were changing it up a bit for the upcoming 30th Dream Concert, and of course, the November US tour.

Fallen Angels wasn't the only purchase on peoples' minds, however. The 3rd generation fanclub was announced in early October, and with time winding down to participate in it, either for priority for domestic events or for the prospect of the club's fankit contents, Dreamcatcher put out a reminder for people to sign up. The club runs throughout the year, so if you haven't signed up yet, be sure to.

Speaking of orders, the shipments of the reprints of Nightmare and Fall Asleep in the Mirror began arriving to Dreamcatcher fans. Online communities have been working to try to identify the sources of fabric in the key chain inclusions that came from Dreamcatcher stage outfits. It obviously would have been nice to get a card or inclusion that noted which era the fabric items came from, but there's been a nice collective effort in lieu of that to put everything together. For folks wanting to use it, in the Dreamcatcher Video Database I maintain I have a "Misc. Keyword" for most common colors matching to outfits that were uniform for an era, so if you're having trouble figuring out your piece of Dreamcatcher fabric history, you can feel free to try that out. Otherwise, there's the above linked spreadsheet and an identification thread on the /r/dreamcatcher subreddit for other places. Good luck all!

Lastly, on the printed front, we got news that the group (sans Siyeon as this may have been shot during her hiatus) would feature on Brazilian pop magazine HIT! in the very near future, which means we'll hopefully see a photoshoot with an accompanying article.

Yet for all this current news, the main event of this past week took place on Sunday, as Dreamcatcher dropped into Mokkoji Korea in Hungary to join AB6IX and Sumni to perform some of their best hits, a five song set of "JUSTICE", "Silent Night", "Rising", "BONVOYAGE", and "Scream". It was a decently long set, and as always the group enjoyed being in a new place and getting to meet more fans, especially those local to the area, that may not have seen them before. Impressions from on-the-ground seemed to be positive, so hopefully companies and promoters see the value of returning to Hungary in the future.

A bonus that we got to see was Gahyun MC'ing the event along with AB6IX's Daehwi. This hasn't been Gahyun's first attempt at MC'ing, so seeing her get another opportunity to do this was nice - and perhaps signals that she'd be open to a more permanent gig on a music show or something in the future. I can't say that I'd be opposed.

We've got less than a week til Dreamcatcher's appearance on the 30th Dream Concert, and they're likely to be in preparations for that, the US tour, and beyond. As always, you can count on me to report the latest news about the group, so for all that and more, I'll see you back here next week!

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