Dreamcatcher's Vacation Continues In Early February As Group Gears Up For Tour

Dreamcatcher gave fans a peek into their vacation time as they enjoyed their last bit of R&R as tickets opened for their Asia/Oceania tour in March.

Gahyun smiling down at and hugging a happy birthday balloon shaped as a bear holding a love heart.
Gahyun appreciates a happy birthday bear balloon at her birthday cafe. Source: hf_dreamcatcher (X/Twitter)
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Every so often, I can appreciate a light news week from Dreamcatcher. The group has been one of the most prolific and consistent content creators for the eight years that I've followed them. Their small company backing and non-traditional concept and music have to a certain extent necessitated this pace, and it's paid off in spades as they've been well-regarded with a stable fanbase. Yet just like any set of working professionals, a time to decompress is sometimes sorely needed, especially given how wild K-Pop scheduling can be.

That's why it was good to see the peeks into Dreamcatcher's time off that we did this past week. There's been little doubt over the years that their company has taken care of them, and has as recently as last year been quick to pull the trigger if they feel someone needs a break. But a bit of extended time off for everyone (insofar as you can have extended time off in the K-Pop industry) is never a bad thing - especially when fans know something busy like the group's March tour through Southeast Asia and Oceania is coming up. Here's what we heard from them last week!

I was actually hoping we'd get a Dreamcatcher's Note on the entertaining and funny VCR video that the group prepared and played for their holiday concert in December, and they didn't disappoint me this past week with one. It's always fun to see the behind-the-scenes stuff for videos they've shot, but this time around was even better knowing that the presentation was just a parody of Culinary Class Wars which means that Dreamcatcher had to turn the hamming it up meter to eleven.

I had some of my biggest laughs with youngest member Gahyun, who took to her stereotypical tattooed-chef character with gusto, even if the "preparation" she was actually doing was for cold pasta and water. She eventually shared the winners circle, so I can't really complain there. SuA and Siyeon were, as they have been many times, a duo well-suited to comically playing off one another, and JiU informing fans that she (and likely the others) had to purposefully decrease their level of cooking skill was a nice bonus cherry on top. After all this time, it seems like we're past the early stereotypical days of only SuA being able to cook decently well, as evidenced by recent pictures on paid content platform Fromm of members like Yoohyeon making galbitang as well as variety scenes of members like Handong at the stove, but it was more entertaining to see them nerf themselves back down a bit for the VCR's sake.

Speaking of Gahyun, she managed to pop back from vacation to pay a visit to her birthday fancafe this past week. The group's youngest member celebrated another trip around the sun, and while it's unknown if like Yoohyeon she'll do a late birthday livestream, it was still good to see her come by and communicate appreciation to her fans who've stuck with her and the rest of Dreamcatcher for so long.

SuA smiling for the camera with a beaufiful green mountain range in the background.
SuA enjoys the view in Vietnam. Source: sualelbora (Instagram)

Most of the vacation pics were posted by SuA the past week, as she seemed to follow up her mountain trip with friend Suna with a family trip to Vietnam. As it seems was standard for someone as adventurous as Dreamcatcher's Main Dancer, SuA took in a great number of sights, had some fun relaxing at the pool, had some tasty-looking food, and generally played tourist to the hilt. Most of the time, family time for idols is a private affair, so these small peeks into what SuA did were very much appreciated by fans.

Siyeon, lightly covered with snow in a black hoodie reading STUSSY SPORT, smiling for the camera.
Siyeon posts a fun picture from the snow in the US in November 2024. Source: ______s2ing (Instagram)

Others, like Siyeon, preferred to post a blend of seemingly current and historical pictures, like the above from the group's tour through the US in November 2024. In contrast to some of SuA's photos, Siyeon's were at times goofy and funny, with the delightful weirdness that fans have come to love her for over the years. We may see more older pictures, but members like Siyeon posting them show they're thinking of fans and want something to tide them over before they go back to work.

Yoohyeon waving and smiling in a yellow hat for the camera while reminding fans about their concert.
Yoohyeon waves for the camera while recording her message to fans for Finale of 7 Doors concert in Taipei. Source: qyc_company (Instagram)

That work, as fans know, will involve touring in March and closing our their Luck Inside 7 Doors World Tour series in places like Taipei. Dreamcatcher members took time out of their vacations to record messages to fans to remind them to come see them, and if any of the last concerts in the area are any indication, they won't have any trouble filling the venue. The logical thought many fans, including myself, have is that this last jaunt through their backyard for this tour will mean they'll soon return to the final leadup for new music, something which all of us will be looking forward to.

Tickets are live for Taipei, will soon be live for Macau, and Dreamcatcher will also be soon to return to work to prepare. As all that unfolds you can always count on me to report the latest every week, so for all that and more, I'll see you here next Sunday!

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