Dreamcatcher Sets Out On Latin America Portion Of Tour As Busy September Continues

Dreamcatcher heads to Latin America for the first time since 2018, seeking to create new memories with fans who've long awaited their return.

Dreamcatcher Sets Out On Latin America Portion Of Tour As Busy September Continues
Dreamcatcher takes a group photo after their first Latin America tour stop in Mexico City. Source: hf_dreamcatcher (X/Twitter)

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I feel like I may have jinxed things last week when crafting a title like "Whole Once More, Dreamcatcher Sets Out On New Travels In September", only to receive the news that Dreamcatcher's Dami would be sitting out the Latin America portion of their World Tour due to needing to get rest. If fate or bad luck is a thing and I contributed to it, I certainly apologize.

That said, as always, Dreamcatcher's health is of most importance so I wish Dami a good rest. Reports from the ground at Dreamcatcher's appearance at the inaugural K-Pop Festival in Istanbul seem to say the rain and weather didn't quite help things, The Latin America tour runs through a week and some change, and hopefully, Dami takes that time to recharge for the rest of the group's September, which seeks to be one of their busiest going into the latter part of the year. Here's how Dreamcatcher's schedule ramped up this past week!

The official Dreamcatcher channel dropped in another individual member's content this past week, with Dreamcatcher Handong taking a turn to put up the second video of her "I Tried It" series. The name of the game appears to be cosmetics and makeup, and this episode had Handong putting on what she would normally wear for when she's on vacation or out and about.

The makeup tips and the work that goes into what choices Handong makes in creating a look were as always insightful, but there were other bits of insight, such as what she thought about choreography for Dreamcatcher songs, which team on staff she likes better and more. That mix of makeup and answering of fun little questions will probably help a lot when it comes to getting to know Handong a bit better, which is undoubtedly part of why we've been seeing individual member content over the past year.

Poster for Dream Concert 2024, with logo in white set against a stylized stadium.
The 30th Dream Concert is set for October 19th, 2024. Source: Star News Korea

Dreamcatcher will once again attend Dream Concert, set to take place just after mid-October in South Korea. This will be Dreamcatcher's 5th such appearance, and is in part due to a poll that was won via fan vote for the event back in summer for the "Hall of Fame Dream Visual" for female artists. As such, it'll be nice to see Dreamcatcher both honored for an accolade and get to perform. It seems like only yesterday that Dreamcatcher unveiled its iconic, rain-filled YOU AND I performance from 2018, Perhaps we'll see something similar for this year, especially as there are rumors that this may be the last Dream Concert ever due to rising costs and difficulty in securing acts. Regardless of the status of the event after this year, I'm looking forward to seeing Dreamcatcher again on a concert stage they've graced plenty of times.

Speaking of upcoming concerts, partner and tour organizer MyMusicTaste began dropping in small shorts of each Dreamcatcher member advertising for each US tour stop. This was of course an opportunity to release another Siyeon video for those who've been missing her, and one for Dami for those thinking about her during her brief resting period. We don't often get to hear all the members get an opportunity to speak in English, and as someone who is currently studying up on Korean I can appreciate the effort to connect a bit better with fans.

Yet the obvious news of this week was not what was to come but what was here as Dreamcatcher began their return to Latin America, a region they haven't toured since 2018, when they were bolstering their then-growing discography with covers of popular Western pop songs. This part of the tour kicked off with a return to Mexico City, a place that the group has been to fairly recently but which was nevertheless excited to see come back (albeit in a slightly bigger venue able to accommodate them).

Even without their Main Rapper (whose parts were filled in via the songs' backing tracks and a bit of occasional improv from Dreamcatcher members), Dreamcatcher electrified the stage anyway, performing most of their best from 2023 and 2024 along with old favorites and concert standbys. These fancams make me a bit more excited to see them in November, as the intensity and power the group holds when singing tracks can only be felt on a live stage, especially for B-sides like "STФMP!" where you might not remember offhand who is singing which part.

The rest of the tour through Latin America is coming up this week, and as always you can count on me to share some of the best from there and more with regards to Dreamcatcher news. So for all that, and more, I'll see you back here next Sunday!

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