Dreamcatcher's Latin America Return Confirmed At Last As June Ramps Up Plans
A flurry of news and updates kicked off June as Dreamcatcher works toward their next album and their return to a region 6 years in the making.

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Dreamcatcher was built to be a touring group, one that eschewed the norms of when you hit the road, in order to build a fanbase in a non-traditional way. From the beginning, fans knew that this was a K-Pop group that was going to be constructed differently in terms of their activities, so when Dreamcatcher headed off to Latin America during their debut year, it was an interesting decision, but ultimately a profitable one.
Since then, Latin American Dreamcatcher fans have clamored, rightly so, for the group to come back to the region, and this past week, their hopes finally came to fruition. I'll be covering that in detail, but here's what else was going on with K-Pop's resident rock/pop girl group this past week!
For a group built differently like Dreamcatcher, collaborations have been few and far between over the years, and that's mostly perceived to be the consequence of a group with a lot of non-standard things associated with it (the larger global as opposed to domestic fanbase, out-of-the-mainstream music style, etc.), but those that have shown up have been treated quite well by Dreamcatcher and appreciated by fans. With JiU and Yoohyeon contracted exclusively with regular collaborator NEOGEN, Korean beauty brand Coreelle took the opportunity to sweep up the rest of Dreamcatcher in a brand new endeavor.
With three types of balm all designed to help different aspects of skin care, Coreelle engaged in a photoshoot with SuA, Siyeon, Handong, Dami, and Gahyeon, with an athletic concept that seemed to show off its use for those in active situations. Even though I've enjoyed the JiU and Yoohyeon work with NEOGEN over the past year as brand ambassadors, I was pleasantly surprised to see the rest of Dreamcatcher get a shot at promoting this same kind of product to fans and those checking out the Coreelle brand. There's promotions which include acquisition of photocard sets unique to both Coreelle store and the MyMusicTaste shop, a hashtag event to win signed polaroids, and a chance to win signed albums of their latest release, so participate if you can!
Handong's weekly radio show talked a bit about submitted scary stories, including a funny anecdote of her being in the practice room late at night and being scared by one of the managers as a prank. We also got to hear a bit about her current hair color (it was red for a greeting video for their upcoming encore concert in Kaohsiung but isn't any longer) as well as upcoming travels. As always, this was an entertaining show, though if her recent messages on Fromm are any indication, she'll have to be just a bit more careful of the future plans spoilers from now on.
[📢Ticket OPEN]
— 드림캐쳐 Dreamcatcher (@hf_dreamcatcher) June 6, 2024
Dreamcatcher 2024 World Tour 【Luck Inside 7 Doors】 In Latin America
See you at the show, #InSomnia!❤🔥
[9/15] Sao Paulo
🎫 https://t.co/3psW19meoF
[9/17] Santiago
🎫 https://t.co/DU125EH2hC#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher#2024WorldTour#LuckInside7Doors pic.twitter.com/XGGuJsIlUX
But speaking of travels, the main attraction of all of this week's news was, of course, the announcement that Dreamcatcher would be returning to the Latin America region for tour in September, with three dates in Mexico, Brazil, and Chile on the docket. With the unfortunate cancellation of it's Live Chile and Mexico that I'd reported on last week, fans in the LATAM region were in need of a bit of a boost, and they got it with this solo tour announcement.
For Dreamcatcher this has been a long time coming. Way back in the day, as they worked to establish themselves during debut year, the company and group made the decision to show up in Brazil for their first international performance. Though the audience was small and the venue humble, the passion and excitement of fans was apparent in any of the fancams that came out for Dreamcatcher's performances. For a group that had went hard with three comebacks and albums in the first seven months of the year alone, this had to be validation that what they were doing in capturing the international fanbase was the right choice.
In 2018, Dreamcatcher's Latin America tour as part of the "Welcome to the Dream World" series of performances showcased even more how loved they were in the region. Even with a setlist that had to be augmented by subunit covers and well-known popular songs, the shows were one of the most well-received in the group's brief history so far. These served as the jumping-off point for Dreamcatcher's forays into more regions, confirming that the strategy of live performance and international fandom was the right one to follow.
We can speculate endlessly about why it took Dreamcatcher so long to return to Latin America. Personally I would speculate, especially given the recent handling of the ill-fated it's Live, along with a number of other issues with K-Pop events in the region, that local organizers on the ground may have had some trouble getting things over the finish line. The fact that negotiation and logistical planning has gone on for about seven months since JiU hinted at being in contact with folks in Latin America seems to point to several challenges with planning. As I've said repeatedly when writing these articles, my own limited experience with booking international artists to come to events has shown me that any number of factors play into being able to get an artist to show up, and simply wanting to come just isn't enough. The group and company, it seems, have always wanted to return to a place that supported them very early on in their careers.

After a certain point, I think, it's just not worth worrying about the why, but be happy for the fact that for the first time in 6-7 years, a tour through Latin America is happening for Dreamcatcher. Will we see more stops added? There's at least one interesting tweet published by one of the Latin American organizers that might point to more to come for potentially Peru and Argentina, but until then, initial sales look very promising. For Brazil, whose Terra SP venue holds 4,000, seeing the current show completely sold out and waitlisted showcases the immense growth that Dreamcatcher has gone through since their first show of a couple hundred or so in the country. I'm supremely happy for Latin American Dreamcatcher fans who have waited and will get their chance to see Dreamcatcher live once more, and hope to see as many people as possible, regardless of where they live, to have an opportunity for the same down the line. Either way, you can expect me to keep you updated on all of the latest on Dreamcatcher's tour plans and more, so for all that, and more, I'll see you here next Sunday!
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