Dreamcatcher's Early 2025 Plans Take Shape As They Enjoy A Slow January

Dreamcatcher's R&R time in January is well-deserved, but even with this, their future activities are shaping up to be busy for them and the fans.

Dreamcatcher smiling and posing with victory signs dressed in black and white.
Dreamcatcher snaps a photo at M Countdown during "JUSTICE" promotions in July. Source: Dream Catcher Company (Naver Post)
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Sometimes it's good to have a break from work, if for anything else to reset yourself mentally for what's to come, and in the hectic world of K-Pop, where schedules often are aggressive and span weeks if not months, every bit of free time is precious. Over the years I've been following Dreamcatcher, the company seems to have taken this to heart and in my estimation has done quite a bit to ensure that even when it's busy, breaks can be had.

January has always been at least somewhat filled with events, as it's Dreamcatcher's anniversary month. Still, in 2025 and entering their eighth year, the group was able to take a breather after a particularly wild last three months of the year. That schedule took them to three different regions across the globe to perform before returning home to end the year with their first-ever holiday concert series.

All that said, there was still news to be had, so let's take a look at this past week's updates!

Yoohyeon's birthday cafe visits and brief Weverse appearance didn't seem to be enough for the group's Lead Vocal, so a belated birthday livestream was set up for this past week. True to some of her previous livestreams, Yoohyeon made this a gaming session, deciding on playing walking simulator/puzzle game Exit 8 before settling into the livestream's main event, a session of Party Animals with a few fans.

As always, it was fun to see Yoohyeon play through games that she didn't have as much experience with, learning on the fly and laughing the whole time. Fans that got into the game lobby for Party Animals seemed to enjoy a bit of chaos with Yoohyeon, and it was even nice to see her communicate with a fan in English when she discovered they didn't speak Korean. There's always been speculation that were she not to have been an idol, Yoohyeon would make for a pretty good livestreamer, and the argument for that case continued for the hour and a half she was enjoying herself on YouTube.

Speaking of YouTube, it was nice to see behind-the-scenes footage of the holiday concert pop up. We knew that there was a lot of thought and work that went into this first-time event for the group, but it was still fun to see the care put into their outfits, their new custom mics, and of course, their performances. Other moments such as Dami getting gifts for all her fellow members and everyone talking about how emotional they got over the two-day concert series were memorable, and really showed that Dreamcatcher appreciated the fans for sticking with them since debut.

That fan loyalty was rewarded somewhat this past week when news of the 3rd generation fanclub fankit dropped. Recruitment was a couple months back, and fans have been waiting ever since then for news about what the fankit would include. This year, the theme appears to be "Biker Dreamcatcher", with motorcycle-themed photos, IDs, and a few stereotypical looks with a bandanna and a few tattoo stickers rounding out the merch. It seems Dreamcatcher seemed to like their brush with motorcycles during "OOTD" era and took it to another level. As always, themed merchandise like this is always my preference, just to provide a unifying consistency to what's being presented.

As I said at the top of this article, it's nice that Dreamcatcher's getting a bit of a break to reset themselves, but this past week we learned it was for good reason. The group will return to Taipei in Taiwan in late March, capping off their 2024-2025 Luck Inside 7 Doors World Tour with a Finale of 7 Doors concert. This date gets added to two in Australia and one rumored to be coming to Macau, which seems to signal that Dreamcatcher will be taking March to head through SEA and OCE regions. Taiwan has been a fairly reliable place for Dreamcatcher concerts lately, and it'll no doubt be nice to see what they come up with to wrap up their latest trip around the globe. Regardless of what that is, you can always count on me for updates on Dreamcatcher, so for all that and more, I'll see you here next Sunday!

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