Dreamcatcher Wraps Up 2024 Europe Tour With Celebrations And Thanks
Portugal and Finland played host to Dreamcatcher's last stops on the 2024 EU tour, wrapping up a successful set of performances.

Dreamcatcher's been one of, if not the most traveled K-Pop group from a touring perspective, but no matter how many times they hit the road, I've always found a lot of enjoyment from watching (and in some cases seeing live) a group that seems to feel truly alive when performing in front of fans. Given the touring mentality that served as one of the pillars of the group's formation, this shouldn't be a surprise, but seven years on and with many tours behind them, I've loved seeing them sustain that energy.
As much as Dreamcatcher and InSomnias have been enjoying all of the fancams, memories, and performances from the Europe tour, though, all good things must eventually come to an end, and this past week, the group wrapped up the last set of stops in Lisbon, Portugal and Helsinki, Finland. Let's take a look at what we saw there as well as everything else going on in Dreamcatcher news!
Once upon a time, youngest member Gahyeon was perceived by fans to be the group's most prolific content creator. The main driver behind many of Dreamcatcher's early vlogging efforts, the group's maknae always had an eye for secondary content about what she was doing, or putting up candid shots of more behind-the-scenes stuff, and other such charming peeks into her day-to-day. Recently, the content has been divided up amongst individual members, which has been totally fine with Gahyeon, but she's always wanted to make content that seemed interesting to her and not the same old stuff.
This past week seemed to have Gahyeon re-claim that content creator title, however briefly, whether that was through checking in through Instagram live, having a fun edit of her recent birthday live uploaded, or dropping in the first part of her travel vlog to Vietnam with her friends. Combine that with a couple of fun TikToks and Gahyeon has done her part to keep Dreamcatcher fans fed with regular content. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Speaking of content feeds, that's pretty much been the entirety of the Europe tour here in 2024 when it come to Dreamcatcher, though for Lisbon in particular, it seems for the most part fans put away their phones and cameras and just seemed to enjoy the show. That's probably not a surprise, because the last time Dreamcatcher showed up here was way back during their 1st Fly High tour through Europe. It's been six long years for Dreamcatcher fans in Portugal, and they gave it their all in cheering for Dreamcatcher's return to the country.
Helsinki was Dreamcatcher's last stop on the tour, but the successful completion of the region's performances wasn't the only thing to celebrate. The date of the concert fell conveniently on Main Rapper Dami's birthday, and everyone, of course, took the opportunity to sing happy birthday, give her a nice cake and some birthday wear to put on while a background video played for her. As with most everything else, Dami accepted all of this with calmness and of course gratitude. Of course since this happened during a certain part of the concert, she also took the opportunity to throw in a "one more time" for the group's "Silent Night" performance, with plenty of resulting chaos. Fans can look forward to Dami's late birthday livestream coming up this week, but for now, this was a nice little celebration and well-deserved.
[#드림캐쳐] 마지막까지 행복했어😁 좋은 기억들만 남겨줘서 고마워 또 만나자!! 그때까지 아프지 말고 목 아껴놔~😏#Dreamcatcher #Helsinki#2024WorldTour #LuckInside7Doors#다미야_생일축하해🐼 pic.twitter.com/WBuun7LpvH
— 드림캐쳐 Dreamcatcher (@hf_dreamcatcher) March 7, 2024
As Dreamcatcher bid farewell to fans for their last encore for 2024's EU tour, there was the usual sense of accomplishment and gratitude from the group, and with good reason. All the venues seemed to sell quite well, especially Offenbach, Paris, and Helsinki, the last of which had a confirmed sellout of an estimated 3,000 fans. And while there could have been a few things that could have gone better, from an earlier notice that more stops were to be added, to a couple of members being in better health, to better Meet & Greet organization and fan treatment, on the whole, I feel that concerns that the tour would not do well financially or be too taxing or otherwise go poorly appear to have been premature judgments.
For all the legitimate criticism tossed towards Dreamcatcher Company and MyMusicTaste, people should remember they are well-practiced at working together, a seven-year business relationship that knows how Dreamcatcher operates and is to be taken care of. We'll hope to see the usual improvements made for the group's next extended tour, but until then, the group is likely to be pretty thankful to be back home in South Korea and to get a bit of rest before heading off to Taiwan and Hong Kong next month.
[🌑] Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) Special Digital Single [Luck Inside 7 Doors] 발매 안내
— 드림캐쳐 Dreamcatcher (@hf_dreamcatcher) March 8, 2024
Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) Special Digital Single [Luck Inside 7 Doors] 가 공개되었습니다.
스마트링크를 통해 만나보세요❤
🔗 https://t.co/OP1hKJivPM#드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher#Special_Digital_Single… pic.twitter.com/kmeTj2Q6Y6
Before all that, however, Dreamcatcher and Dreamcatcher Company had one last surprise for fans - a Special Digital Single of the two fully remixed songs from the Luck Inside 7 Doors World Tour, "Lullaby" and "The curse of the Spider". The transformed rock ballad and metal rearrangements, respectively, were well-received by fans on the tour, and now are available on music platforms in all of their studio-quality glory. As if that wasn't enough, we got a nice music video for "The curse of the Spider" to go with the new re-work as well, using footage from the group's 7th anniversary Seoul concert.
Besides the obvious, I think the best part of all this is the fact that the vocals were re-done along with the song. This allowed you to hear how far the group's vocal talent and skill have come since the songs were initially released, and in "Lullaby"'s case, that would be from debut year til now. I listened to both sets of songs and it's pretty clear how much the group has matured in their ability to sing and convey emotion - a testament in part to why they've maintained a loyal fanbase.
[#드림캐쳐] 오랜만에 온 리스본도 너무 즐거웠어요! 에너지 넘치게 즐긴 썸냐들 보면 너무 행복합니당 Amo-te ❤#Dreamcatcher #Lisbon#2024WorldTour #LuckInside7Doors pic.twitter.com/fF5KR9PE56
— 드림캐쳐 Dreamcatcher (@hf_dreamcatcher) March 4, 2024
With a great tour behind them and more performances ahead, we'll hope that Dreamcatcher is able to get a bit of rest before hitting the road again. Of course you can expect all the latest to be reported here every Sunday, so for all that, and more, I'll see you then!
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