Dreamcatcher Takes Well-Deserved Holiday, Solidifying March Tour Plans

Dreamcatcher celebrated another Lunar New Year, and continued to take a break from in front of the camera as early 2025 plans continue to take shape.

Dreamcatcher smiling and forming hearts to wish fans a Happy Lunar New Year
Dreamcatcher wishes fans a Happy Lunar New Year. Source: hf_dreamcatcher (X/Twitter)
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Lunar New Year in South Korea is a long-celebrated holiday, with folks taking time to have a bit of a break and spend time with family or on trips. For Dreamcatcher, who has sometimes been busy around the holiday (see: 2019's "PIRI", 2020's "Scream", and 2021's "Odd Eye" for promotions that have all appeared in January or February), this year brought with it a bit more of a vacation for the group. That said, that's not to say they aren't working on future plans, and we found out just a bit more about those this past week. Let's take a look!

The Lunar New Year brought the annual greeting from Dreamcatcher, a tradition that many K-Pop groups send to fans. As always, this was short and sweet, and wished everyone well. Nothing too fancy, and sometimes, that's a good thing when it comes to making sure you're taking full advantage of your holiday break.

Siyeon and Handong posing in funny ways for the camera on the sidewalk.
Siyeon and Handong having fun overseas. Source: ______s2ing (Instagram)
SuA sits and reflects on the mountainside. Source: sualelbora (Instagram)

Speaking of that, recent Instagram posts have shown that the group has been taking advantage of having a bit of a breather, with Siyeon and Handong (recently being seen bonding on-camera over Chinese martial arts dramas) taking a trip overseas while SuA and her long-time friend Suna scaled a mountain together to take in nature. K-Pop schedules can be brutal, and seeing that Dreamcatcher is getting a bit of R&R is always a good thing to make sure energy levels stay topped off.

That energy is going to end up needed, as Dreamcatcher made official an announcement to head to Macau for another "Finale of 7 Doors" concert. With Handong in particular having wanted to go here to perform, it seems this is another instance of what Dreamcatcher wants, Dreamcatcher gets. Macau checks off another place in China for the group, and adding to an already-packed schedule with Sydney, Melbourne, and Taipei, it's further confirmation that Dreamcatcher has chosen to stop several places closer to home in the Asia and Oceania regions for March.

Macau's date is early in the month, and with an additional festival to attend locally in Seoul they'll have no shortage of performance opportunities in the early part of the year. This mini-tour and the prep required to perform also possibly means that at minimum we won't see new music from Dreamcatcher until at least April. We'll have to see how it plays out, but with the group due for a full album and all the time involved to lead-up to a potential comeback, anything earlier than March seems a bit more remote. Regardless of what happens with their music or their expanding tour through Asia, you can count on me to report the latest on Dreamcatcher as they move towards another busy year in 2025, so for all that and more, I'll see you here next Sunday!

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