Dreamcatcher Stays In Touch Via Livestream As Comeback Prep Continues In March 2022

K-Pop — Dreamcatcher Recall

Early March brought (mostly) tight-lipped lives and a birthday celebration from the K-Pop group as fans continued to wait patiently for album news.

Dreamcatcher poses for a group pic behind-the-scenes for their 2021 Halloween Midnight Circus concert. Source: Dream Catcher Company

After last week’s huge revelations that the group would both be releasing a full album in April and be back on the concert trail in Europe as early as May, fans waited for more details of either (or something new) to drop from the group this past week. Continuing to be coy when it comes to comeback teasers, however, has been honed to a fine edge by Dreamcatcher’s members over the past five years.

That said, we did hear from the members over the past week, with a couple of livestream appearances and a birthday stream lending small details to what they’re up to, but more importantly, continuing face time with the fandom. When we will be actually on the ramp-up to the group’s comeback is anyone’s guess at this point, but until then, hearing from them through livestreams and social media posts will have to do to whet the appetite.

Let’s see what we got this week as February turned to March in 2022 for both fans and Dreamcatcher!


It’s probably no surprise that a bunch of the live moments came from Dreamcatcher’s resident ball of energy in SuA. Deciding to try out Instagram’s live feature, she fired up the app and had Performance Director Hwang Sooyeon and SuA’s actress friend Kim Suna join up, with a bunch of funny conversation resulting (Sooyeon’s English has always been pretty good but it was on full display here messing around with fans). There was quite a bit of banter between SuA and Suna, with SuA faking indignation at Suna not knowing Dreamcatcher songs beyond “PIRI” and mispronouncing title song “Deja Vu”, but roasting her right back by saying she barely watches the dramas Suna is in, not to mention a bit of spoiler dodging. One of the funniest parts came when SuA thought Sooyeon was clowning her by saying the live would automatically end after an hour, only for it to do just that and boot everyone out. I’m glad that the members are at least to a certain degree taking to their personal Instagram accounts pretty well, so I’m looking forward to more fun videos in the future.


Of course, SuA kept the fun appearances going in her usual work gig this past week. Along with Wendy and Taehyun, SuA discussed what were the worst colleagues to have meals together with — one who orders things no matter what someone else wants, ones who just complain about work, and one who is just in a hurry to eat. Still deflecting spoiler talk, SuA said to wait just a little longer for the mystery code that would signal a comeback is imminent and only a short time away, even as she lost to Wendy after changing her mind about the answer as picked by fans. All in all yet another fun appearance for Dreamcatcher’s Main Dancer.


But of course, SuA wasn’t done this week with just two appearances. She appeared, albeit masked, for a third showing with Yoohyeon in tow, who’d recently revealed her new hairstyle to fans — a blend of dark and light-haired tones that seemed to suit her. Adding some glasses to the mix solidified the casual end-of-day look for Dreamcatcher’s Lead Vocalist, much to the delight of fans.

Yoohyeon strikes a posed picture in front of a wall with a curious number written on it. Source: ms.yoohyeonkim

One thing that Yoohyeon wanted to clear up was a bit of speculation that fans engaged in during the week, after she posted a set of pictures that had a curious brick wall with the number 5 against it. Perhaps due to the fact that fans have been endlessly hunting for them, Yoohyeon had to clarify that this wasn’t some subtle attempt at a spoiler, but rather the result of a clever but necessary Photoshop that fellow member Handong helped with. There was a street address that needed to be edited out, and Handong had been able to do so with the help of the software in question. A couple of teasing comments by both Handong and SuA had to be deleted by Yoohyeon to ensure there wasn’t any confusion, though the very act of doing them still set off a flurry of speculation.

Everyone had a good laugh over this, but it was definitely necessary, in the end. As someone who has been in a position where information needs to be kept close to one’s chest until a later date, I can kind of sympathize with Yoohyeon having to sweep up a bit to ensure nobody got the wrong impression about what was posted. Fans are definitely eager for any tidbit they can sweep up as it relates to the comeback as it is, so having unintended consequences come from an edit done for other reasons is best avoided.

SuA and Yoohyeon act out killing mosquitos flying around their fans. Source: DREAMCATCHER

Other than this, the live went as many SuA-Yoohyeon/Tom and Jerry lives go — with a bit of fun chaos. The two acted out a scene where friends are trying to kill flying mosquitos near each other (in English no less), talked about how strong each of the members were (or seemed to be), and got a few actual subtle spoilers in, such as the choreography having a part they had to get used to where it was strong enough to make them feel a bit ill, and how SuA liked the last part of one of the songs. While still only the barest of crumbs, fans were more than happy to pick them up in lieu of any other official info.


If fans were seeking even more spoilers during the week’s most important event in Dami’s birthday livestream, they were going to be sorely disappointed. Dami has always been one of Dreamcatcher’s most solid members when it comes to actually spoiling any future content, and she deftly deflected pretty much any of the spoilers or implied spoilers that fans tossed her way. You might as well have been trying to break a brick wall with a toothpick for all the good it would have done against Dami’s spoiler shields, and Dreamcatcher’s Main Rapper had to gently but firmly let the fandom know they weren’t going to squeeze any more info out of her. Idols are professionals, and often have to deal with situations where they are asked information they can’t answer, so I had no worries that Dami was bothered by any of it, but it was still nice to lay it out straight all the same, just to avoid misconceptions.


As for the birthday stream itself, Dami has always been pretty chill and cool when it comes to her solo streaming with fans and this year’s birthday stream was no different. Enjoying talking with fans while she casually began putting together a dog out of imitation Lego blocks was definitely a Dami-style livestream. Finding out that she was putting together the dog’s rear during the stream was just a bonus, and she later completed the multi-step assembly in time for the weekend. Assembling the dog, who she named “Holdup” after one of her iconic lines in 2020 title track “BOCA”, seemed to bring her a bit of joy, and while fans didn’t get any new album info out of her most were content to spend her early birthday stream chatting it up.

We’re likely one month and some change away from the comeback now, and those album crumbs are likely to become even bigger as we near Dreamcatcher’s 2nd full album release. You can always count on me to recap the latest on that front and much more from the group, so feel free to clap, subscribe, and signal boost if you like what you see. We’ll see you here next week to gather up the news and more from K-Pop’s resident rock/pop girl group!