Dreamcatcher Has Returns In More Ways Than One In Late August

Dreamcatcher headed to Shanghai this past week, but not without a few surprise returns they had in store for fans.

Dreamcatcher Has Returns In More Ways Than One In Late August
Dreamcatcher grabs a photo at their offline fansign in Shanghai. Source: hf_dreamcatcher (X/Twitter)

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One thing I've come to expect at times from Dreamcatcher is that even when the schedule seems like it's going to have a bit of a break, that doesn't mean that there isn't something cooking behind the scenes. As a group that is not backed by a large company or which has a music style not as popular with the South Korean general public, Dreamcatcher and Dreamcatcher Company have compensated over the years with a focus on a more global fanbase as well as a few surprises insofar as content. This can make even seemingly slower news weeks like last week have some unexpected excitement behind them. Here's what the group sprung on fans this past week!

Dreamcatcher's official YouTube channel had a couple videos for fans this past week, with Gahyun continuing her individual content series with another food-related session and the last Dreamcatcher's Note for "JUSTICE" promotions dropping in.

Just like in the old days, Gahyun seems to be carrying some of the vlog-type content lately. While she might have to go back to the drawing board when it comes to creating her own greek yogurt ice cream, she had no issues with applying scrutiny to some of the "trendy" foods that are being consumed today. I know I"ve always been a much more simplistic person - if it tastes good to me, it doesn't matter if it's popularized or not - so it was nice to see Gahyun show fans some stuff I didn't know was a thing. And in characteristic Gahyun fashion she wasn't afraid to level criticism as well as praise for a few things on the list. It was balanced and I can appreciate that.

The last "JUSTICE" era behind-the-scenes video had its usual shenanigans and some interesting insights. In particular, Yoohyeon's worry over not finding the camera for the last stage on Music Core had me scanning the performance video for it - you see it happen but it's subtle and you wouldn't catch it if you weren't told. Just another reminder that K-Pop artists train constantly and are adaptive on the fly to things they aren't expecting. There was, of course, a bunch of talk about food and eating it, and thankfulness for fans supporting their (shorter than usual) promotion activity on shows - and finally, a brief shoutout to Siyeon, whose hiatus/break from this comeback meant that she was supporting Dreamcatcher from afar this era.

Yet it seems that Siyeon might be on the road back to active work with Dreamcatcher. A new variety video dropped this week, an interview with K-Pop news site allkpop, and in it was a full group appearance by Dreamcatcher. Siyeon's hair was notably not purple, as it was for recorded content prior to her break, and some of the outfits and hair colors the rest of Dreamcatcher had reflected a recording date of around August 13th - with this official post from the company from that date as evidence. Between this and Siyeon checking in briefly on Fromm, it seems we may be getting closer to a Dreamcatcher at full strength once again.

The interview itself had a few interesting insights about the album, its concept, and what they were intending, as well as brief reflections on their long careers and upcoming tour. These were good questions, and really more of my surprise was learning, like Soompi, that allkpop has a YouTube channel. English-language K-Pop news sites, I feel, should push this a bit more, as video content has more of a chance of being seen and consume over written items. Trust me, I'd know (and to be clear I appreciate all of us who contribute to Dreamcatcher content).

Yet the Siyeon sighting wasn't the only surprise Dreamcatcher Company had up its sleeve this past week. The group's first two single album releases, Nightmare and Fall asleep in the mirror, are being re-printed, giving newer fans an opportunity to acquire the earliest bits of the Dreamcatcher sound that would eventually make them one of K-Pop's most surprising underdog stories. These albums have typically gone for some pretty crazy prices - like this one on eBay listed at a whopping $650.oo USD or this one on Mercari at $342.00 USD. Subtle differences such as 2024 dating and company listing, small size differences, and the like mean that anyone who aspires to be a collector of Dreamcatcher stuff might still pick up a "First Press" copy of these two single releases, but I expect those to be sold at much lower prices.

Pre-orders dropped pretty much when the announcement did, and fans rushed to secure copies they'd never thought they'd get to own at close to the original price point. That's because reprints are a thorny, often costly venture, involving manufacturing, distribution, and licensing costs, making them less desirable to pursue. Yet I believe Dreamcatcher Company has done the math and believes the demand is high enough to outweigh what needs to happen to get it done. Be sure to get yours before they run out!

And if that wasn't enough Dreamcatcher merch for you, the group and company dropped in a brand new merchandise item - a mini light keyring which has some of the same lighting options as the full-sized version. I personally don't trust myself carrying something this cool in my pocket with the active work I do, but for others who want to buy this, it's an item that will no doubt be treasured. I've seen these types of items sold for other groups, so for Dreamcatcher to get one is another merch milestone checked off.

Last but not least, Dreamcatcher got to check off one more box on their destinations list as they held an offline fansign event in Shanghai for local fans and travelers. For Handong, it seemed she's wanted to take the group to Shanghai for a while, so this is an accomplishment for Dreamcatcher's Chinese-born member as well. I'm still waiting for fancams from this event, but the videos and media we've seen so far online seem to showcase yet another fun (and no doubt profitable) fansign event.

With Dreamcatcher back home and preparing for what will be a pretty crazy September full of travel, touring, and performances, we might see a bit of a break from news - or maybe as this past week proved, we may see some more surprise content drops. Either way you can count on me covering everything Dreamcatcher so for all that, and more, see you here next Sunday!

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